Words related to category: Ts-K1 Physiological reactions Note: Category links were automatically generated broadly based on the gloss. As a result some links may be unrelated, which we are in the process of removing.
amag̱alik lucky twitch | aaw cry for | bibaa tremble | bok cry | bu'ṉsk spout/puff | da̱kwł suffocate | da̱msa̱x pass out from crying | dpduupk throbbing | gyelwks feel (internal body state) | g̱awn chew | g̱a̱k'oł shiver | g̱a̱lik twitch | g̱a̱xhoo yawn | hant'aask allergen | hats'iskah sneeze | huum sniff | huumsk sniff/smell | k'ałikg̱os choke | k'a̱łhaw choke | ksinaałk breath/breathe | kwtsiiltk tremble | k'ya̱k choke on something | ḵ'ałik baamks choke | lap'l blink | la̱g̱a̱lik unlucky twitch | luxeexs cry hard | lu xboolx suffocate | ła'ik scar | łaxłyoox sob | p'aasü fart | sadzak faint | san'wa̱x hiccup | sat'oxs snap your eyes | saaldzik groan | sis'aaxs laugh | sp'a̱m cough | ts'aay feel full/burp | wilaan fart | 'wiihawtk cry hard | xa̱nooya̱x snore | xsiit vomit |